Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A New Year Coming and a New Start!

Well many of you already know that I am leaving my job at the Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Those of you who didn't know you do now. I am looking forward to the new year and a semi-new job. I have been doing freelance interpreting off and on since I certified but now that will be my job. I am so excited to get to use my interpreting skills everyday. I am really hoping this will help my skills and my confidence as an interpreter continue to grow! I was nervous to make this change but Colt has been very supportive and encouraging, so has my family and fellow interpreter friends. Thank you for all of your advice and support in this decision. I know it will be a good one!


Tara and David said...

That is awesome! I wish you luck. I never did much freelance interpreting, (I worked in the high school setting), it was hard with kids, trying to find sitters for wierd times and schedules. I loved freelance though!