By Maggie:
Those of you who read our blog already know that I listen to NPR (National Public Radio) regularly. Well the other day there was some sort of public announcement from Planned Parenthood. I am paraphrasing but this is the gist: Smoking pot and drinking Mountain Dew does not lower sperm count enough to prevent pregnancy. I am so disturbed that there are people in the world thinking that if they get stoned enough or/and drink enough Mountain Dew they don't need a legitimate form of birth control. This is one of the many reasons why I think there should be comprehensive sex education in schools.
That's a new one. I've heard some odd ones though.
That's a new one for me, although there is a sense of logic to it that almost impresses me - if young people can use logical reasoning to come to a conclusion like that, it seems the critical thinking skills and physiology knowledge are lacking. Sex ed, biology and comprehension are all needed to be learned in school to boast an intelligent society.
I can totally see this being a topic actively debated by a group of stoners. It sounds so reasonable in the moment when you're all high together. Then you hear the public awareness announcement on NPR and it doesn't sound so philosophical anymore... buzzkill.
I DID have comprehensive sex ed in school, and have a distinct memory of teachers putting down this urban legend, and all of us looking at each other as if to say, "Who is dumb enough to think this?"
The other interesting moment was when my teacher told us that you could indeed get pregnant before your first period, causing a girl in the back row to gasp, "You CAN?!?" then blushing beet red. Annnnnnd cue the awkward pause.
In other words -- yes, sex ed is a cause I can definitely get behind. If only so many people didn't disagree with me . . .
that's epic.
I'm shocked by some of the myths I've learned people actually people. This is why I love my major. People are fascinating!
I know it doesn't work that way but am I the only one who thinks that in a just world it should. I had a family friend who worked with domestic violence who always proposed that they should put something in drugs to make you sterile. At least while you are high.
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