Friday, May 30, 2008


Today neither of us had to work. It has turned into a running errands day. We went to pick up the last pieces of Colt's POST uniform (we have only been waiting on them for about 3 weeks now). I was really peeved. The store has the worst customer service! I kept plotting ways to get the man working there fired. He ignored us for the first half an hour we were there. I would have been satisfied with a "I'll be right with you let me just finish up with this customer." Alas, we got completely ignored. I was happy I brought a book with me yet another young adult novel indulgence. We stopped by my school so Colt could give me my first blogging lesson. Next we are on our way to Harmon's. We are going to pick up some groceries for tomorrow night. We are having our new friends Kayle and Brian over to dinner Colt is cooking catfish and jambalaya. I know it will be delicious he is quite the chef! Our plans are to watch the movie C.S.A.: Confederate States of America it is a mockumentary of American history as if the the south had won the civil war. Being the geeks we are we wanted to serve some southern style cooking. Other than errands our plans for the day include a nap (hopefully), perhaps a run in the park, and maybe if we get wild a dollar movie!

Colt victorious with his duty belt and PT shorts after a month long battle with UWI


Serena said...

It is good to see you on here! We live in SLC as well, if you are ever interested in a double date. :) Our blog is private, but if you want an invite my e-mail address is:

Take Care!


Jodie Smith said...

Sparky says HI. He is protecting the yard from the man fixing the sprinkler by wagging his tail wildly and barking a bit.

Anonymous said...


Is this the Kayla and Brian I introduced ya'all to, at our coffee/bubbles/Spider-Webbing/Dinner & Drinks night a while ago?

Sounds like good food, good film, and good company! Hope ya'all have an amazing evening!


Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome!

Is this the Kayla and Brian I introduced ya'all to on our coffee/bubbles/Spidder-Webbing/Dinner & Drinks night a while ago?

Sounds like good food, good film, and good company! Hope ya'all have a great evening!!!!


Colt and Maggie said...

Yes it was your spider-webbing worked quite well. Colt told me to call you and tell you he would cook a catfish for you too if you could make it. He told me this 5 minutes before dinner. We want to see you next time you are in town!