Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Literary Genius is

By Colt

I recently did something that I have never done before on facebook. I requested someone that I have never met, or even have a loose connection to. I added one of my favorite authors. Its his actual facebook page, and not a fan page used to promote an upcoming book tour or article in some magazine I am never going to read. I was a little bit nervous at first that it was going to be a page set up by just another fan that was far from the truth, but after having befriended one of my personal library keystones for a couple of weeks I am convinced its really him.

This is not what this post is about. This recent "friending" got me thinking what would some of my favorite authors use as there status updates if they were alive and/or had a cable modem? Here are some of my musings

Ernest Hemmingway is on a boat

Jules Verene told you so.

Kurt Vonnegut is being monitored by the government through this thing.(He sounds a lot like Brad Plothow)

J.D. Salinger hopes you like this status update as much as the last one

Joseph Conrad is watching Apocalypse Now for the millionth time

Thomas Pynchon is taking his blog private.

Charles Dickens is mad as hell about something he heard on NPR this morning

Jane Austen wants to know who let Mary Shelley get a hold of Pride and Prejudice?

Percy Shelley is attending a rally to support Climate Control, and then off to see "Drag Me to Hell" with Mary.

Shakespeare is emailing Gwyneth Paltrow...again

George Orwell told you so

Harriett Beecher Stowe YES WE CAN!!!

F. Scott Fitzgerald remember when I posted an hour ago I was never drinking again? I may or may not be mixing Tanqueray with a Hi-C Ecto Cooler right now.

James Joyce Bicycle Pump. Gravel Road. Hard Luck Showers.

William Butler-Yeats is listening to the new U2 CD before heading out to dinner with BONO! So, freaking excited!!!

Henry David Thoreau is sitting under a tree (updated via BlackBerry)


Emily said...

You crack me up.

Crystal said...

william faulkner: {insert 1200-word run-on sentence here}

Colt said...

brilliant Crystal

Ruth said...

I don't think Thoreau would have a blackberry... Status stays the same, but it would have been updated over a week ago and just left the same ('cause even now I don't think he's be that tech savvy). Some friend probably convinced him to sign up before he moved to Walden.

Just a thought. I love this list. Especially Vonnegut's.

Jules AF said...

I am sad that many of these went over my head. I will try one:
"Ernest Hemmingway wants that damn bell to stop tolling." (just a play on the title, so it's not as clever as yours.)
"Leo Tolstoy can't figure out an ending to his book, so he's taking a train out to the countryside." (Ugh, I'm not good at this.)

MamaBear said...

funniest part to me? i was looking for the "like" button to click! lol great post! (and thanks to Boob Nazi for bringing me here.)

Andrea L. Cole said...

Also stumbled here via Boob Nazi. I enjoyed this, very clever.